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About the Awards

Salaysia award is a set of awards presented to students who have accomplished outstanding performances during their undergraduate and postgraduate studies. It consists of two kinds of awards: Academic Salaysia Award is presented to 10 students based on their performances and accumulated grades for each field of study. The Salaysia Gold Medal is given to only one student who has outperformed in more than a filed.

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Salaysia Awards Titles

Academic Salaysia Award

Each winner is awarded also a field related descriptive title. Meaning, the winner
in the field of architecture engineering is awarded the title of: Salaysia Architect.

Salaysia Gold Medal

The winner of this gold medal is called the Salaysia Medalist

Awards Presentation
(10+1 awards)

Each winner is awarded also a field related descriptive title. Meaning, the winner
in the field of architecture engineering is awarded the title of: Salaysia Architect.

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Salaysia Awards Event photos